Monday, April 27, 2009


Well This is My First Blog, Go Figure I decied to start this to kindof have an online Journal of sorts :).

Well Its almost 11:30 here and I am Wide awake and no where near ready for bed. I got back from work watched the La/Jazz Game Wow do we suck. I can hear the horses playing outside my bedroom that's pretty neat to hear. Kinda Glad I moved out my Grandmothers apartment. I am living with my Friend at her Boyfriends Home. And Hopefully within the next 7 weeks my Fiancee will be joining me as well. We Hope so anyways. I am in the Middle Of Job Hunting and House Hunting and Planning a Wedding , Gotta Love how life sometimes throw's up curve balls . But like one of my very ((smart friends said)). Cherish Every moment and Now I really do try too. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. I have figured out who my friends are now. And who is really there for me and that means alot to me. Even if things didn't start off on the greatest I know maybe I can look past it and try too accpet that I can be a good friend to people who are not the most Nicest :). Kinda Weird How nice it is too just kinda Type out everything I think This was a smart Idea..