Tyler is getting so big. He is just over 3 months, I cannot beleive how big he has gotten. Also that I gave birth three months ago blows my mind. I still have some excess babyness left of me that reminds me but overall I dont even remember sometimes I'm a mom. Oh course I know I'm a mom but its just not the overwhelming concern. About my child, I love him dearly but I had no problem leaving him for a little while with a sitter I was a little anxious but I was overall just fine with it.
He's learned that he can scout himself in a circle if he wants to go somewhere so now he refuses to roll over. He's a freaking little monster, however he's not little by no means. He's 16lbs and 11oz's and almost 26 inches. Pretty soon within the next month he'll be getting a new car seat :) We are thinking about the Safety First Air protect car seat. I love it and its very very safe seat and can use it for a long time to come.
He loves to laugh and play. He knows Rick & I's faces as well now too and if you talk to him he'll just grin and grin. Especially when daddy sings "tittes and beer" to him. My husband just loves to push my buttons with singing them songs to him. Tyler just LOVES them though
I am still trying to go to school. I've recently had to stop just because I was getting so frusrated with it I needed a small break. However I will be starting that right back up within the next week. I've also think I've found a Gym out here I'm going to join so I can get back into my pre- baby body asap. Overall things arent looking as bad as they were before.
Some things have changed I still dont have many good friends out here. I know it just takes time. That and I have a hard time opening up to people I wish people knew the REAL me but there is like 2 people who know the real me my ex(David) and my Best friend (Rennie).
I'm a little out there but I know I'm a good person. Rick and I are doing alright, things are still going along. Married is still a hard thing to adjust too at time. Especially because Rick and I are so much alike. I refuse to ask for help and when I do need help I need it. Rick is so stubborn that he wont acknowledge that he is getting overwhelmed as well. Its a big ole circle of nonesense since were both so sutbborn.
We've been married 13 months or so and honestly it just seems like a wirlwind. We have an idea of when he might be deploying again. Which is kindof sad I knew it was coming, I know I'll be fine I was last time. Just now I have Tyler and also I'll be away from family and my friends since were in NC. I know everything will work out just a waiting game on that part of it.
Rick and I were disscusing having more kids. Both him and I decided that after we have a baby girl that we will be done. For Bio-logical kids. I've always wanted to adopt ever since I can remember and Rick is open to the idea however I know that it'll just take some time. I honestly want to have another one about 3 to 4 years from now and then wait for another 5 or so. Just because my body and pregnancy were not excatly friends :). I'm 21 now so I'll be 24 or 25 when I have another which I thing is just fine.
I've been throwing around the idea of getting a part time job. Not sure if I want to actively purrsue this or not. I'm still debating, I mean I applied at a job the other day at a gym. Because I was there and just decieded to go for it. I mean if I get it that's great if I dont that's alright as well. The extra income would be really nice actually. We arent hurting for money but I could pay off some credit cards.
I took Tyler's 3 month photo's as well this is my Favorite