Thursday, October 15, 2009

Been A Long Time

Whoopsies been a Long time. We are Settled in NC Finally the Rain season has started. Its very pretty place here. I am starting my Photography bussiness up again. I am actually going back to Utah in November for a Visit. I am 4 Months pregnant and not loving it so much. Waiting for the Morning sickness to pass , Which it hasnt and its horribly annyoing waking up to get sick and nothing comes out. Dealing with Dakota is Defintely intersting task. I love my puppy dearly he is just a HUGE ball of energy and always wants to play. However he is a sweet cuddle bug. When he is tired he'll come and sleep on my lap. Rick is enjoying work and for the most part he comes home ok most the time. Rick Bought me a Horse :) his name is JB he is 13 and a little sweet heart . I have a girl who is coming out to help me ride some more so that will be nice. My Due Date is 3 Days after I turn 21 April 16th 2010. Who would have thought I'd be a mommy so soon ! Heck one of my best childhood friends Linda is getting married little Linda getting Married :(. I remember when we were little and she used to Lock me in her Bedroom so I couldnt go Home. Ha and we used to be Best Friends Oh I delt with alot lol. But Lance and her are a great match ! She is really happy, which is good to see. I cannot wait for my little one to come out and I can start doing the things I love more. 4 wheeling and going out and Hiking(not like are places here). Its so Cold over here though I am not used to the Wet cold Feeling I got so used to Utah Weather and now NC weather is Tottally Kicking My Behind

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