Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Need Out of this House !!

I love my Life but being cooped up in this house all day I want to fucking pull my hair out. I cant find a Decent job out here. Yes I am being a little picky I have a right to be I refuse to work fast food been there done that not going to happen ever again. Plus I'm 6 months pregnant so that doesnt help the situation at all. Money is tight have to fly my mom out here in April and then she'll have to bring my little brother with her. So I'm going to have 2 dogs Rick My Mom my Baby brother and a newborn all in my house at one time. I just want to be able to get a little income on my own. I'd love to do photography more but there isnt much demand for it out here. I am frustrated with just everything Schooling is an idea but I'm not sure what I can do out here There are no programs I'm interested in anyways. Ugh Ok I'll stop whining for now :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Life's Running By

Wahoo Its 2010 I dont know when 2009 passed by. I cant believe its already a new year, I am excited for the new year and the baby and getting everything settled here. I made some yummy no bake cookies earlier. Now I am just playing with my new phone Hubby got me a ENV touch screen. What a Good husband he is :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

6 Months Wahooo

I've been married for Over 6 months Now :).. It just seems like the other day I was waiting to get a IM from him on the computer when he was deployed. I'm 25 weeks pregnant today I've gained 12lbs so far I'm not sure if I'm ok with that or not yet. Time will tell I guess, got him room together for the most part. Still need to get a couple little things bottles and bedding and other small stuff but I'm not worried. I've got 3 months so I dont need to fret about it just yet.

Rick and I are hoping to get some bills paid off with our tax returns I'm hoping to get at least 2 credit cards paid off that way. It wont be that much of a hit when the baby comes and were itching together for money. We paid off one of our credit cards so only 3 more to go wahoo :)>. Still have the Truck and the 4 wheeler but those arent going to be paid off for at least a couple years. We have good intrest rates so I'm ok with that.

I finally got my little home studio put together so hopefully I can start making a little extra cash. I want to find a nice part time job out here, but all the child care places scare the hell out of me. As in I wont even get out of the truck to look at them. There that run down in bad parts of town, so I'll have to find other ways to make a little extra cash here and there.

Still got my puppys Oreo and Dakota there but pains in my ass's at times but they keep me company during the day. Plus motivate me to work out or at least try to get them walked around the complex at least each of them twice. It'll be nice in April when I'm able to fly my mom out for the birth (to help afterwards). I'll have some time to work out and what not without having to leave my son with the CDC on base. Thats a hard thing I'm having to face with being military is not having the option to have my mom there to watch tyler on a moments notice if something all the suddens comes up. But that's ok it just gives me an excuse to fly my family out here :)