Friday, April 30, 2010

2 weeks Oh wow

Its been 2 weeks today since I had Tyler. It seems so surreal that I am a mom. I am very very happy. Just very surreal still, he is a great baby at nighttime and even during the day its great. He does have a little congestion in his nose. So he's always snoring but the doctor says that its ok and that it should clear up soon :).

I've started to work out more and more :). I weighed 194lbs when I deliverd I now weigh 160lbs. Still cant fit into my fat pants but little steps so I'm not stressing. I walked 3 miles one day and then the next day I walked 4 miles. So I'm hoping to get this weight off fast. At least by June so I can get into my size 7/8 pants and I'll be quite happy.

Everythng here is basically good, I've started becoming more and more comfortable in NC I still would rather be in UT or ID. I know that that's not an option so its ok and I'm dealing with it. I have started school online for medical transcripton. Its hard to get time to study but I've been trying to make sure I at least study 1 hour a day. Rick's been pretty helpful about taking Tyler while I study.

I took Tyler's One Week Pictures Here are my Favs :)

((Little Vent))

I am a very opionated person, anyone who knows me knows that . I'm SOO sick of hearing what choices I've made in my life will know make my child gay or he will be one of those kids who get tattos. You know what if he does then he does he's my son not yours so keep your damn opion to yourself. I can raise my son however Rick and I please. I dont give a flying crap what you think :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

He's Finally Here

Yep My son made his way into the world April 16th, 2010 at 5:09 pm. Would have been born earlier but I was waiting for daddy to get his butt back to the hospital :)> . Being a mommy is great so far I have the up's and downs but honestly I know in a couple weeks I'll get the hang of this so Its worth it too me to stick out the rough spots here are there with the crying. Mostly he just sleeps so no complaints from me too much :). I am a little bummed about my weight but I know I can excersize and get my behind in gear. I'm only 5 days PP so I dont even want to step near a scale I know I'll be upset.

I started school just before Tyler came for medical transcription I havent done any since he's come home. Bad Bad ME I know I just cant find time or the motiavtion actually to do it is the correct term to it. Hopefully I'll be able to get my behind in gear the next couple of days and get school started up again :)>.