Friday, June 18, 2010

Still Going Along..

Things are good, in most aspects. Still working on making our marriage better (who isn"t). Tyler turned 2 months old 2 days ago. I love this little guy so much, stil adjusting some with him getting used to his bec and call. But its good for the most part.

I had put off on Kinder care for a while just because I didnt know about getting the money situated but now I think we are going to put him in kinder care because it'd be the best thing so I still have My time and he get sociallized with other kids and other people. I just love him so MUCH. it'll be hard to leave him most the day. But I know its the best option for us !

I've made a couple friends out here, christa and shelia and anne are all really cool people. Other than that I dont feel like I can really "click" with other people. they just seem two faced or just people who I cant be myself with. Anyone who knows me damn well knows I dont keep my mouth shut. I am the type of person that if you piss me off I'll call you out. I dont think I can really do that with people out here.

Oh Well though I dont care honestly :)> I've got my son and school to do, I'm still enjoying photography I just know that out here its not worth pursing as a Career because SOO many people are Attempting to make a name for themselves I refuse to sell myself for nothing to compete with their prices. I have a better quailty picture so I wont lower my price. So I'll wait tell we are able to PCS (hopefully back to Hill AFB).

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