Its been a long time since I've been able to sit down and actually write something. Tyler's napping so I'm on the front deck, perfect time to write some.
Its been an Year, there has been up's down's and all the rest of those fun life type of stuff people have to overcome. My son was born in April of 2010 :) I couldnt imagine him not being here, its crazy to think he'll be a year old in a few short months. I <3 him very much and he's an awesome baby and little pain in the butt sometimes but overall an awesome baby.
This new year I'm hoping to really concentrate on me and my family. To finish my schooling by April, to get my photography more out there and really learn about everything about starting an actually bussiness, I've got the talent now its just to apply it and make something out of it.
Hopefully this year I can also work on my handwritting more and getting it to were I want it to be. (I'm 21 and hate how I write I know I can fix it though). Also looking to make more friends, really the one person i connect with out here has orders outta here early next year. Tyler Loves her daughter that will be hard to say goodbye to her and evan.
Rick's deploying this year its just common knowledge I know its going to happen already preparing for it. I'm ready for it when the time comes. its something that comes along with the military. I get irritated when some people act like its the end of the world. I know life will go on and I just have to go into it with that attitude.
By summer time I'm hoping to be back down too 130 pounds again and finally get rid of all this excess babyness I've acciqured when I had my son, I know it takes time so I'm just watching what I'm eating and working out hoping it will pay off in time.
That's what my new year starting today...... Hopefully it goes as planned
Saw your blog posted on the Air Force Spouses page on Facebook & wanted to check it out. I feel pretty new to this military wife thing and enjoyed reading about your experiences.