Wednesday, February 10, 2010

30 Weeks

I am still in Shock that I'm 7 Months Pregnant wow I am going to be a mommy in 2 months. :) Rick's Birthday is Tommrow he's going to be 24 I keep picking on him telling him he's getting old. He thinks he is but he's not. I got him a Cute Birthday suprise and a Cute Cake I think he'll like it . Or at Least I hope so, I'd like to do something more special for him but we cannot really afford it at the moment. Puppies are Doing well still little shit heads and wanting to play all the TIME. :) Oreo is Getting Fixed at the end of the month, thank god I never have to deal with a dog going into heat again that was disguting.
We Got the Plane Tickets for my Mom and my Little Brother to Come out here for the Birth YAY I'm so Excitied They are going to be here to help for a week. Which is going to be good I'll need all the help I can get with a Newborn and two Puppies. Plus with my Husband working swing shift this might be hard.
Last night I had a Bit of a scare For about 3 hours I had a horrible pain in my side that would not give up. I couldnt move I couldnt get comfortable, I think it was because Tyler was Laying Horizontal across my stomach. I'm thinking that's what was causing the pain. I hope tonight is better if Not I'm going to have too Call Labor and Delivery because I cant handle another night of that. Tyler was fine he was kicking and punching me so we shall see..

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